Scottish Centre for Simulation & Clinical Human Factors
NHS Forth Valley's state-of the-art multi-professional training facility and the only high fidelity simulation centre in Scotland.
Participants attended courses
Rated our courses excellent
Years of experience

What We Do
Develop a network of experts in simulation and human factors training.
Develop and deliver effective courses and training packages.
Promote simulation based education through research and collaboration.
What We Offer
Our faculty of experts in simulation based medical education (SBME) oversee the design and delivery of courses, in conjunction with subject matter experts. This process ensures that course learning objectives are tailored for and appropriate to the target learners.
In addition to faculty development, we design and run bespoke courses for a wide range of clients, from higher education institutions to the offshore gas and oil industry.

What Participants Say
“Engaging throughout”
Engaging throughout with new learning and building on existing knowledge in practical and theoretical ways.
“Difficult conversations”
It was particularly useful to have the opportunity to simulate some of the difficult conversations and situations that you have to face.
“Enjoyed the blend”
Enjoyed the blend of the board and the simulated patients/real staff members.
Find us
Forth Valley Royal Hospital
Stirling Road
01324 567412
Working Hours:
Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm
Established in 1998 by NHS Forth Valley and part-funded by NHS Education for Scotland, the Scottish Centre for Simulation and Clinical Human Factors (SCSCHF) is a state-of-the-art training and education facility.